Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fannin' street

so i know that a lot of critics put down Scarlett Johansson's CD,
Anywhere I Lay My Head.
They critiqued her voice.
I loved her album.
Its different from a lot of stuff out there.
She didnt make a typical actress to singer album.
She did what she wanted and what she liked,
and i love it.
fuck the critics.

i was walking today
across the huge paved intersection right by the 405.
cars of all types were passing by,
pushing wind across my face
as i took heavy steps on the hard concrete
in the steamy heat.
my imaginative mind for some odd seconds
took time to pause the usual thoughts
and thought
"what if?"
what if i stepped off the curb of the sidewalk
and ran quickly into the flowing line of traffic?
what if in one defining moment i decided to end everything?
would anyone miss me?
would anyone cry?
would anything change?
would i finally know if heaven exists?
would i be eternally happy?

but as long as i contemplated this,
i contemplated living even longer.
life sucks.
this i know to be a fact.
karma is non existent.
some people get everything,
while others get nothing.
being who you are
doenst always get you who you want.
you never get what you want.
and sometimes you dont even get what you need.

im lucky.
i have someone who will never leave me.
who has never disappointed me.
who never will.
someone i can tell everything to.
someone who has saved me
and will continue to.
He is my everything.
He is all that is good and pure in this world.
He is my savior.

in the end,
it can only be uphill from here, right?
a long hill,
with constant peaks and valleys,
but with one point thats high enough to let you touch the sky
and reach for the stars.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog just as much as u love my captions... hehe.

I hope this qoute makes u feel better, kinda helps me and I ain't even touchy-feely like that. lol.

"In order to see a Rainbow, U Need Rain."

mmm...lily allen...